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Curricular Components

Physician Assistant Program

The Physician Assistant Program at Rowan-Virtua SOM is designed to provide a comprehensive, rigorous and well-rounded education over a 24-month period, culminating in the preparation of skilled and compassionate physician assistants. This innovative curriculum is structured into two distinct phases: the didactic phase and the clinical phase, each meticulously crafted to ensure that students gain the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience necessary for success.

Academic credit offered by the program and required for graduation: 105 credits

Required Curricular Components

Course Credits
Semester 1 - Fall
Advanced Human Anatomy 5
Advanced Human Physiology/Pathophysiology 4
Foundations in Medical Sciences (genetics, microbiology, molecular mechanisms of health and disease, pharmacokinetics/dynamics) 3
History Taking and Physical Examination 5
Introduction to PA Practice 1
Introduction to Research and EBM 1
Total credits 19
Semester 2 - Spring
Clinical Medicine 1 4
Clinical Seminar 1 3
Patient Assessment 1 2
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 1 3
Professional Practice 1 1
Research Methods 1 1
Foundations of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2
Total credits 16
Semester 3 - Summer
Clinical Medicine 2 4
Clinical Seminar 2 3
Patient Assessment 2 2
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2 3
Professional Practice 2 1
Foundations of Medical Care Across the Lifespan 3
Foundations of Surgery and Emergency Medicine 3
Research Methods 2 1
Total credits 20
Semester 4** - Fall
Family Medicine SCPE* (5 weeks) 5
Internal Medicine SCPE (5 weeks) 5
Pediatrics SCPE (5 weeks) 5
Total credits 15
Semester 5** - Spring
Emergency Medicine SCPE (5weeks) 5
Surgery SCPE (5 weeks) 5
Women's Health SCPE (5 weeks) 5
Total credits 15
Semester 6* - Summer
Behavioral Health SCPE (5 weeks) 5
Elective 1 SCPE (5weeks) 5
Elective 2 SCPE (5 weeks) 5
PA Capstone course 5
Total credits 20
Total 105

*SCPE: Supervised clinical practice experiences
**All SCPEs will be scheduled as sites/preceptors are available. Each student will have a different order of completion.

PA Program Course Descriptions

Clinical Year

The clinical phase will comprise three semesters of SCPEs, i.e. clinical clerkships/rotations, with students assigned to clinical preceptors at various inpatient and outpatient facilities. SCPEs will be scheduled as available through preceptor and site availability, not all students will be taking the same SCPE at the same time. Registration and scheduling for SCPEs during the clinical year will vary from student to student. There are nine SCPEs and all SCPEs are five weeks long. The Rowan-Virtua PA program SCPEs will include:

  • Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Surgery
  • Women's Health
  • Behavioral Helth
  • Elective #1
  • Elective #2

The clinical year will conclude with the Capstone Course.

Prospective and enrolled students are never required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. It is the responsibility of the Program to ensure that all students have access to all required clinical rotations and to have the ability to meet all Clinical Phase learning outcomes. See full Clinical Rotation Site Procurement Policy and Procedures A3.03

PA Program Competencies

PA Admissions Requirements and Application

PA Program Mission, Values and Goals