29th Annual Rowan-Virtua SOM Research Day
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Rowan-Virtua SOM Research Day highlights the groundbreaking research at Rowan-Virtua SOM and the collaborations with our academic, clinical and corporate partners. For more than 20 years, we have celebrated the efforts of faculty, staff, interns, residents, fellows and students as they work toward improving patient care through research.
Rowan-Virtua SOM is pleased to announce that the 29th Annual Stratford Campus Research Day will be held on May 1, 2025 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Academic Center, located on the Stratford Campus.
Poster Registration - The deadline for poster submissions is Friday, April 25th. All Rowan-affiliated registrants: please select "Log in with your Rowan University account." All others will need to create a new account.
Be sure to click on "Submit" once you have completed the registration and uploaded your poster information.
Attendee Registration - If you are attending Research Day and not displaying a poster, the deadline for submitting the form for attendance only is April 30th, 2025.
Check out Research Day E-Posters from previous years!
Available on May 1st: Research Day Livestream
Keynote Speaker TBD
Poster Display
Participants can display their work in multiple ways:
- In-person
- E-Poster
- 10-15 minute presentation (pre-recorded Youtube video playable on Rowan Digital Works)
- All posters must provide an abstract. This will allow for increased opportunities for collaboration among Rowan campuses.
- All Rowan-Virtua SOM students should include "OMS" after their name on both physical and E-posters.
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding Research Day, please contact the Rowan-Virtua SOM Research Office at somresearch@rowan.edu.