SOM Faculty Information
Faculty Meetings 2025
Faculty Meetings for the 2025 calendar year will be held via WebEx on the following Tuesdays from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
- April 15
- June 17
- October 28 (Annual full faculty meeting; in person; begins at 5 p.m.)
- December 9
Important Documents
Important Forms
- Faculty Term Sheet for onboarding
Faculty Senate
The Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Senate meets regularly to provide a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas among its members. The President of the Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Senate may bring issues identified by the Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Senate to the attention of the Dean and may request a formal response from the Dean.
The Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Senate represents the full-time and part-time Faculty in their interdepartmental areas of necessity and concern. The Faculty Senate’s purpose is to serve as a communication vehicle between the Faculty and the Dean of the School. The Faculty Senate acts as a liaison to present issues to the Dean to ensure faculty concerns are voiced and addressed. The Faculty Senate serves to foster academic, educational, and research advances by empowering Faculty to advocate their positions.