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Faculty Development

Our commitment to our students is demonstrated by our commitment to our faculty! We work closely with faculty through consultation to provide Rowan-Virtua SOM faculty and residents access to education, resources, and support across many disciplines, including: instructional innovation, diversity, collaboration, and ongoing professional skill development.

Through our initiatives, we encourage faculty and residents to continue their development into leading medical educators which, in turn, inspires Rowan-Virtua SOM students on their journey to become clinically skillful, compassionate and culturally competent physicians.

Supporting our Faculty

Annual Faculty Development Needs Assessment

As part of our COCA accreditation and to best align our faculty development efforts to organizational and personal professional development needs, Rowan-Virtua SOM conducts an annual Faculty Development Needs Assessment process. 

Please see the 2024 Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Development Needs Assessment report for the results of this year's process.


Steve Garwood, Ed.D., Director, Faculty Development is available to meet one-on-one or in small groups with full-time and volunteer faculty to review course evaluations and student responses to instruction and training.

To set up an appointment, contact Dr. Garwood via:

"Faculty Focus" E-Newsletter

A Faculty Focus Newsletter is distributed monthly that contains relevant articles, clinical cases, announcements, and a list of upcoming events. Additionally, as we're engaged in remote teaching a Faculty Focus Update is delivered weekly.

To view past issues, please see the archive of the Faculty Focus

Workshops/Special Events

Throughout the year, we host a variety of events for faculty, including live presentations and workshops, grand rounds, Webinars/Podcasts, and conferences. We also partner with other University offices to co-host events on both the Stratford, Sewell, and Glassboro campuses. 

Please see the SOM Faculty Development Calendar for upcoming events

New Faculty Support

A New Faculty Welcome (contact for a password) is offered online and provides an overview of the School and available services. We can also assist new faculty with the development of their teaching materials.

Download the Faculty Handbook

Faculty Resources

It is important to encourage current, successful teaching practices, as well as provide opportunities to explore new skills. We offer many resources to help our faculty stay up-to-date, we hope you find what you're looking for below!

Faculty Development Guide

A Faculty Development Guide is available with areas focused on Presentation Skills, Effective Feedback, Teaching in Clinical Settings, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Faculty Affairs

Our Faculty Affairs team provides information on Faculty Meetings and Appointment and Promotion processes. Visit their pages to find the most current updates.