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Rowan-Virtua SOM Employee Benefits


NJWELL is a wellness program offered to active employees of the public sector who participate in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) or School Employees’ Health Benefits Program (SEHBP) and their covered spouses/partners. NJ State Health Benefits Program Members (SHBP) and their eligible spouses/partners can participate in NJWELL and earn up to $250 by completing health and wellness screenings and activities. 

Learn more at the NJWELL website.

The State Employees Tax Savings Program - Tax$ave, is a benefit program available under Section 125 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code that allows eligible employees to set aside before-tax dollars to pay for certain medical, dental, and dependent care expenses, thereby avoiding federal taxes and saving money.

Tax$ave is only available to eligible State Employees. An eligible employee is any full-time employee of the State or a State college or university who is eligible to participate in the State Health Benefits Program.

NJ DIRECT HDLow and NJ DIRECT HDHigh are High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) that combine a high deductible health plan with a health savings account (HSA). NJ DIRECT HDLow plan includes a $300 Health Savings Account funded by employer.

Aetna also provides HSA plans through Inspira with their Aetna Freedom HD Low and Aetna Freedom HD High plans. More information can be found below.

  • HSA Quick Reference Guide
  • Inspira Customer Service is available Monday - Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm (CT) & Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm (CT). They can be reached at 1-888-678-8242

2025 FSA Information

You must enroll in the FSA each year in order to participate. 

Tax$ave lets you set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for certain medical, dental, and dependent care expenses.  Enrollment will be available:

  • Online application
  • By calling 1-866-999-3531, or
  • By completing an Enrollment Form and either:
    Faxing to: 1-866-231-0214, or
    Mailing to: Horizon MyWay
    P.O. Box 982814
    El Paso, TX 79998-2814

Change in Status Form

2025 Horizon NJ TaxSave Quick Guide Link

2025 Horizon NJ TaxSave Resource Guide Link

The Rowan University Tuition Scholarship is available to employees and their dependents, spouses and domestic/civil union partners. To learn more about the University policies, please visit the Rowan University Human Resources website.

Please review these Rowan-Virtua SOM policies, as applicable:

The Employee Advisory Service (EAS) is a program designed to help employees and their dependents with personal, family or work-related issues that may adversely impact their work performance. EAS provides confidential assessment, counseling and referral services and helps to restore the health and productivity of employees and the workplace as a whole. Problems are addressed in the quickest, least restrictive and most convenient manner while maximizing confidentiality and quality.

EAS is staffed with professional counselors and works in partnership regional providers to offer services throughout New Jersey. 

For Emergency Mental Health Services, call 1-866-327-9133 and press 1 to speak to a Mental Health Specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Health is at your fingertips. Email to schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor.

Employee Advisory Service:
Office #: 1-866-327-9133


What will it cost?

No charge is involved for visits by the employee to the EAS. If further medical help or outside counseling is necessary, standard procedures for coverage by the employee's Health Benefits Plan will be followed.

Who is eligible to go to the EAS?
All employees of the University and members of their immediate households are eligible to use the EAS.

EAS Supports:

eas serves

Health Benefits

Click here for more information regarding health benefits available to Rowan-Virtua SOM Employees.

Dental Benefits

Click here for more information regarding dental benefits available to Rowan-Virtua SOM Employees.

Pension and Retirement

Click here for information regarding Pensions & Retirement options available to Rowan-Virtua SOM employees.

Leave of Absence

Click here for information regarding Leave of Absence options available to Rowan-Virtua SOM employees, along with information regarding Worker's Compensation.