Rowan University Affiliated Campus Housing
Rowan University has affiliated with Nexus Properties to provide student housing options in Downtown Glassboro along Rowan Boulevard, Victoria Street and High Street. This affiliate housing is also available to Rowan-Virtua SOM students.
Nexus Properties manages several buildings where students can enjoy the convenience of vibrant downtown living, while experiencing the many shopping and dining venues adjecent to Rowan University's Glassboro campus. The Barnes & Noble University Bookstore, Chickie's and Pete's, Inspira Urgent Care and La Scala's Fire are all just steps away. Other retail, coffee shops and restaurants are also within walking distance.
SOM students select their Nexus Properties apartments through the same process used by all Rowan students, via Residential Learning & University Housing, and pay through their student account with the Rowan University Bursar.
- More detailed information is available on the Nexus website.
- More location information is found on the Glassboro Campus Map.
- Check out this video housing tour of apartments at 57 North Main Street.
- Potential rates and lease options are available in this housing document.
- Our general affiliated housing flyer has more layout information.
- Interested? Complete the Affiliated Housing Interest Form today!