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The Rowan-Virtua SOM Simulation Center is responsible for creating and running programs for osteopathic medical students. Programs are designed to complement what is being learned in courses and clerkships.

Key facts about the Simulation Curriculum:

  • Exists across all four years of medical school
  • Used for teaching and testing of clincial performances and communication
  • Occurs both on-campus and virtually
  • Three types of simulation utilized: Standardized Patient Encounters, Procedures Training and Human Simulator Cases
  • an SOM medical student works on a diagnosis for a standardized patient
    Standardized Patient Encounters
    • Actors portraying medical ailments
    • Content is often common office-based complaints
    • Used to teach/assess communication, history and physical examination skills, and OMM performance
  • a medical student works on a procedure with a syringe on a mannequin while other med students watch
    Procedures Training
    • Partial mannequins or task trainers designed for specific skills to be performed
    • Content includes skills such as IV placement, suturing, and intubation
    • Used to teach/assess procedural skill performance
  • a mannequin on a stretcher is programmed with symptoms and med students discuss the case and work through treatments with stethoscope and case notes
    Human Simulator Cases
    • Programmable physiology and findings
    • Content is often acute and/or life-threatening situations
    • Simulator fleet include adult, pediatric, and obstetric mannequins
    • Used to teach/assess clinical skills, scenario management, and teamwork