DO Interview Process
What to Expect on Your Rowan-Virtua SOM DO Interview Day
*All interviews will be conducted virtually for the entire 2024/2025 DO application cycle.*
Congratulations on your invitation for an interview for the DO Program at Rowan-Virtua SOM! Interviews at SOM are reserved for physician candidates with exceptional applications who meet our mission. Just as DO's treat the whole patient - mind, body, and spirit - our admissions process considers the whole applicant. The Admissions Committee reviews applications and begins to invite prospective students to interview in early September. Interviews continue through the end of April.
During each interview, applicants will meet with members of our Admissions Committee, which is comprised of faculty, professional staff, and third and fourth year medical students. If you are invited for an interview, you should be prepared to discuss your Rowan-Virtua SOM DO application, your knowledge of and interest in osteopathic medicine, and how you believe your goals align with the mission, vision and values of Rowan-Virtua SOM.
Pre-Interview Orientation
Candidates selected for an interview will be required to attend a pre-interview orientation session, hosted by the Office of Admissions. During this orientation you will be presented with a welcome message from Dr. Richard Jermyn, Dean of Rowan-Virtua SOM, learn more about our DO curriculum, Academic and Health and Wellness resources, speak with current DO students, and much more. This orientation will also include details about what to expect on interview day, as well as provide important recommendations and tips to ensure your virtual interview is a success! More detailed information will be emailed to candidates who are invited for an interview.
The Interview
Prior to your interview, you will receive an email with biographical information about your interviewer, resources for Rowan-Virtua SOM, WebEx virtual conferencing information specific to your personal interview, and your Rowan-Virtua SOM virtual background. If you have any additional questions specific to your interview, you can contact admissions: 856-566-7050 or
Interviews will last approximately 30-45 minutes and is typically a board panel interview with members of the Admissions Committee.
We encourage you to prepare questions to ask your interviewer in advance. While they are interested in getting to know you, our interviewer is also happy to share information about themselves and to help you learn more about Rowan-Virtua SOM.
Be yourself!
Visit ChooseDo.Org for more information!
Virtual Interview Recommendations and Tips
Technology Recommendations
- Rowan-Virtua SOM’s preferred method of conducting virtual interviews is WebEx by Cisco video conferencing. We recommend downloading and acquainting yourself with this free virtual platform. You can learn more and download the software at
- We recommend testing the speed of your internet connection
- Ensure your computer, IPad/Tablet, or smart phone’s camera, microphone and sound quality is functioning properly (we highly recommend using a computer)
- Choose your preferred device and practice on this device only to ensure its reliability
- Use earbuds or earphones with microphone to improve sound quality
- Block pop-ups
- Turn off and close all other applications or programs
- Silent all cell phones and other devices
- Test all the above again on the day of the interview
**Rowan-Virtua SOM strives to ensure a fair and equitable interview experience. Interviewees with limited access to internet and/or technology should feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at or 856-566-7050**
Environment: Sound and Light Recommendations
- Ensure you find a quiet space
- Be sure to block out all external noises. Let family members know that you will be interviewing and ask that they remain quiet during your interview in an effort to minimize distractions.
- Place soft bright lighting behind your computer facing you
- Close window blinds/curtains to avoid unwanted light and avoid any direct overhead lights
- Raise device so your screen is at your hairline
- Don’t sit too close to the device to avoid distortion
- Center your face on the screen
- Look at the camera lens to maintain eye contact (to avoid looking at how you appear on the video chat, click and drag the video of you to the top-center directly beneath the camera lens)
Body Language and Background Recommendations
- Eye contact is everything, stay focused on the camera lens on your device and not how you appear on screen
- Avoid swivel chairs and avoid distracting body movements
- Sit straight and avoid leaning, slouching, leg and foot jiggling
- Keep hands together on lap, hold a pen or paper clip in your lap if this helps keep your hands together
Professionalism Recommendations
- Dress appropriately! Dress as though you were in an in-person interview (cover all of you not just the top half)
- Relax, smile and be yourself! The Admissions Committee is inviting you to interview because they believe in and recognize the dedication, commitment and perseverance in your journey to becoming an osteopathic physician
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Admissions at 856-566-7050 or