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Problem-Based Learning

DO Pre-Clerkship

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach to curriculum, where clinical case presentations are the stimulus for acquiring the basic science knowledge needed to understand underlying mechanisms, as well as means of developing clinical reasoning skills. Our students follow a double-pass systems-based model, which allows them to develop integrated learning issues, including both the basic and clinical sciences, over two years.

Our students are engaged in additional activities that affect the health of the whole patient, which is a principle of osteopathy. Our courses incorporate community service, end of life care, sexuality, and the science behind healthcare systems. Because of the independent learning nature of this track, emphasis on the core components - System blocks, Intersessions, Osteopathic Clinical Skills (OCS), and Longitudinal Project-based Courses – is determined by each group’s collective learning issues.

To learn more about our school year curriculum, please review our Programmatic Level Objectives and Course Descriptions for DO Curriculum.

A student is eligible to apply for the PBL Track once they are admitted to SOM. Once chosen for the PBL program, a student will remain on this track throughout their Pre-Clerkship years.

Students and faculty explore the benefits of PBL

Sample PBL Schedule: Year One DO Program

*Schedules are subject to change.
Download PBL I, Fall 2024 sample schedule.

A sample of the schedule for PBL Year One Fall 2024 - chart can be downloaded

Sample PBL Schedule: Year Two DO Program

*Sample schedules are subject to change.
Download PBL II, Fall 2024 sample schedule.

A sample of the schedule for PBL Year Two Fall 2024 - chart is available for download

PBL Resources

DO Pre-Clerkship

PBL is offered at both our Stratford and Sewell campuses. While schedules are always subject to change, we do have sample schedules for both Stratford and Sewell

If you still have questions about PBL, feel free to reach out to a staff member below, or learn more in our PBL Resource sheet.

Deanna Janora, M.D.

Director, Problem-Based Learning Curriculum
Associate Professor, PM&R, NMI 

Jeffery Powers, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Problem-Based Learning Curriculum
Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology

Sewell Campus

Angela Evans

Program Assistant

Danielle Baer

Program Assistant

Maura Bird

Staff Assistant

Stratford Campus

Colleen Rucci

Program Assistant

Stephanie Smith

Program Assistant

Deanna Sircovitch

Staff Assistant

PBL Curriculum Office Contact Information

University Educational Center, Suite 2105